The Barn Owl Centre. A registered charity dedicated to community education, conservation and bird welfare

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Specialised Sanctuary for Captive Bred Owls & Birds of Prey

A safe pair of hands, dedicated to Owl Welfare

With the Owl & Bird of Prey Pet Trade rapidly growing out of control UK wide! More Captive Bred Rescue Sanctuaries are needed to take in the unwanted & mistreated 'captive bred Owls & Birds of Prey'

Since 1997, Rehabilitation & Education is our Passion
When viewing our website, you will see that we work to bring people & wildlife together. For us it's about being interactive & we love educating people of all ages about the support we offer birds whether they are wild or captive bred rescues. We also enjoy supporting all other wildlife species on site, which is why we have given most of Netheridge Farm back to support local wildlife. Netheridge Farm, which is the home of the Barn Owl Centre is becoming an amazing place that offers so much, a place where wildlife can gain the protection it deserves!

For those who understand the true meaning of rehabilitation, people who get to meet us soon learn how passionate we are & that rehabilitation plays a key part to our birds lives & our charity's ethos. We enjoy sharing our work & passion with everyone, the younger generation for us are the important ones as these are the next generation of conservationists!

Rehabilitation can in some cases be a very long process that gives no timescale of fixing the root of the problem. It means you have to be very patient, dedicated & provide important stages of care to root out the problem. When cruelty cases such as the one below come forward, we never look backwards. We simple look to the future by working hard to offer the best possible support we can give, please read on & help where you can.

To learn more about some of the birds that come into our care, please read on
The below relates to a Cruelty Court Case, all 26 birds were placed in our care, video evidence below was shown in cour & in media.
The Barn Owl Centre, which is a small charity joined forces to help a very large organisation to offer immediate rescue support for 26 Owls & Birds of Prey that were being abused. This developed into a year long court case where a Shrewsbury man was eventually found guilty of cruelty. All 26 birds are now with us for the rest of their lives, which enables them to have a second chance in life without further abuse!

Full News Story below plus video evidence was reported by main media outlets

A 68-year-old man who claimed to be running an animal rescue centre in Shropshire has escaped an immediate prison sentence after being found guilty of kicking and punching several birds of prey.

William MacKenzie was filmed by neighbours mistreating several protected species of owl at his Shrewsbury home over a two year period.

MacKenzie, of Boscobel Drive, Heath Farm, was eventually reported, which followed the birds being taken away from him on the 6th October 2011, on the same day all birds, 26 in total were transported and placed in the care of a well established Owl charity located in Gloucester.

On the 12th September 2012 William Mackenzie was finally found guilty of nine animal welfare charges and was handed a 16-week prison sentence, suspended for two years.

He was also given a lifetime ban from keeping any type of animal and ordered to wear an electronic tag for six months as well as pay £500 in costs.

During the two-day trial on the 11th and 12th September 2012, Shrewsbury Magistrates Court was shown video footage, filmed by neighbours, The video evidence showed MacKenzie striking and kicking several birds in his garden, including a Snowy Owl, an African Spotted Eagle Owl & a Barn Owl.

MacKenzie was also captured on video mowing his lawn next to a number of distressed Owls, whilst grabbing & throwing to one side like a rag doll on separate occasions a Barn Owl & a Tawny Owl.

Chairman of the magistrates’ bench Mrs Maxine Taplin, said: “There is clear evidence of suffering.” This he clearly denied after being showed the video evidence!

Following the verdict of Guilty, RSPCA inspector Dave McCartney said: “His behaviour is exaggerated by the fact that he was running a rescue centre supposedly caring for sick and injured birds. He was, in his own words, ‘experienced and knowledgeable’ and should have known what he was doing was wrong. “For some birds there was no escape. They were tethered when they were grabbed, punched & kicked.”

MacKenzie said it was his hobby to rescue birds which had been abandoned as pets or involved in road accidents. He was known to exhibit these birds at shows and events across Shropshire to raise money to support his interest
Video contains graphic footage supporting court evidence
All birds in this video are now loving life at the Barn Owl Centre

What you witness in this video is more common & widespread than you could imagine!

Reported by BBC News - Link)
Reported by Daily Mail Online (Link)
plus other media outlets

'Images below (TOP) shows the garden environment the birds were housed, the lower images gives an insight of a new life at the Barn Owl Centre'

William MacKenzie about to punch a beautiful Snowy Owl
William MacKenzie about to punch a beautiful Snowy Owl
Barn Owl being grabbed like a rag doll. Words from the Barn Owl Centre cannot describe this behaviour
Barn Owl being grabbed like a rag doll. Words from the Barn Owl Centre cannot describe this behaviour
Barn Owl kept in disgusting conditions
Barn Owl kept in disgusting conditions
Hybrid Falcon, how can anyone keep a Bird of Prey like this!
Hybrid Falcon, how can anyone keep a Bird of Prey like this!
A Red Tailed Hawk kept in aweful conditions
A Red Tailed Hawk kept in aweful conditions

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Other Barn Owl Centre News

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For more regular news updates click here to find out more
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2016 - ECO Barn Owl Boxes - Well Ventilated plus thermal protected to keep cool during the hottest days
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2015 - Great News for Gloucestershire Barn Owls, Little Owls, Tawny Owls & Kestrels
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TAWNY OWL RELEASE Visit our live Webcam
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21 May 2014
Gloucestershire Wild Barn Owls 2014
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Barn Owl Centre adds 1 new trustee to charity
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Barn Owl Manors now off to Malaysia
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Back to the Wild
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Gloucestershire Environmental Trust supports Barn Owl Centre
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Barn Owl Manors Now Occupied
31 May 2011
The Co-operative Farms supporting Barn Owls
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2 September 2010
Barn Owl Manor - Building for Barn Owls
20 August 2010
Our Activity Centre
6 July 2010
Re-locating a 6 ton Ash Tree for the Owls
17 April 2009
Wild Tawny Owlets brought into Care 2009
27 October 2008
The appearance of an Eagle Owl
9 August 2008
New Arrival to the Centre
19 November 2006
Nest /Roost Boxes for Owls this Winter
23 June 2006
The arrival of a white Little Owl Orphan
28 March 2006
Barn Owl Population Increase for Gloucestershire
7 March 2006
Barn Owl Centre Documentary
6 July 2004
Rescued Little Owl
The Barn Owl Centre is a registered charity dedicated to community education, conservation and bird welfare
Charity. No : 1097410
Copyright © 1997-2024 Barn Owl Centre.
Website by •mint