The Barn Owl Centre. A registered charity dedicated to community education, conservation and bird welfare

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UK Laws: Wild Origin

The laws relating to wild Barn Owls in the UK
Population figure estimated to be around 4 to 5,000 pairs.

Wild Barn Owls are protected under the Wildlife and Countryside Act 1981.

It is an offence to:

  • Intentionally take, damage or destroy any wild Barn Owl nest while it is in use or is being built.

  • Intentionally kill, injure, or take (handle) any wild Barn Owl.

  • Intentionally take or destroy a Barn Owl egg.

  • Have in one's possession or control a wild Barn Owl (dead or alive, or any part of) or egg unless it has been legally taken.

  • Intentionally or recklessly disturb a Barn Owl while it is nest building or is at or near a nest containing eggs or young or disturb dependent young.

Under the "Wildlife & Countryside Act 1981" anyone found guilty of an offence is liable to a fine of up to £5,000 or an imprisonment not exceeding 6 months or both.

The Barn Owl Centre is a registered charity dedicated to community education, conservation and bird welfare
Charity. No : 1097410
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